Gravity Sucks Jam 12.7.-14.7.2024

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And another year of Gravity Sucks is happening:)

We're looking forward to have again a wonderful Jam with all of you.

The Jam will start at 1 o'clock and ends on Sunday at 6 o'clock.

For the ticket price of 50€ we offer you a place to sleep, two breakfasts and dinners, and 2 setups to train to your heart’s desire. One indoor setup in die halleand a special setup in the Gleishalle( -  designed by non-other than Ben Carmody. We will also have PK-Chats to exchange ideas and values, Parkour Workshops from our invited athletes ,massages from physios and a  Afterparty in the Gleishalle.

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And another year of Gravity Sucks is happening:)

We're looking forward to have again a wonderful Jam with all of you.

The Jam will start at 1 o'clock and ends on Sunday at 6 o'clock.

For the ticket price of 50€ we offer you a place to sleep, two breakfasts and dinners, and 2 setups to train to your heart’s desire. One indoor setup in die halleand a special setup in the Gleishalle( -  designed by non-other than Ben Carmody. We will also have PK-Chats to exchange ideas and values, Parkour Workshops from our invited athletes ,massages from physios and a  Afterparty in the Gleishalle.

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Was dich erwartet
Konditionen und Kosten im Detail
Vielen Dank für deine Anmeldung! Bis bald.
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